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Now available at all Cape Air locations served by the TSA.

When making your reservation online, you will be prompted to enter your known traveler number (KTN). You can also add your KTN to your reservation when making your booking with our Call Centers, or at our stations. If you have an existing reservation and want to add your KTN, you may do so by calling 800-CAPE-AIR, or at our airport counters when checking in for your flight.

Don't have a KTN yet? Explore Trsuted Traveler Programs and apply at

TSA Precheck® is one of several intelligence-driven, risk-based initiatives helping TSA provide the most effective security in the most efficient way.  The use of risk-based initiatives will allow TSA to maintain its high-security standards and improve the passenger experience while ensuring as many travelers as possible experience the benefit of expedited screening through the TSA Precheck® lanes.  CBP’s programs offer expedited clearance upon arrival in the United States.  

If TSA determines a passenger is eligible for expedited screening, information is embedded in the barcode or the TSA Precheck® logo may appear on the passenger’s boarding pass.  When TSA scans the barcode at the security checkpoint, the passenger may be referred to a TSA Precheck® lane.  Expedited screening may allow passengers to keep on shoes, belts, and light outwear, as well as leave laptops and 3-1-1 compliant bags in carry-on baggage.

Individuals, who apply and are approved for a CBP trusted traveler program, are eligible to participate in TSA Precheck® when traveling on a participating airline and through a participating airport.  TSA Precheck® eligibility as a member of a CBP trusted program is available to members of Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS For more information, including enrollment and eligibility requirements for a trusted traveler program, please visit

When making a reservation, passengers should enter their 9-digit PASS ID, also known as a known traveler number (KTN) into the “Known Traveler Number” field of their reservation.  In addition, we recommend that you review your reservation to ensure that your name, date of birth, and gender are an exact match to the information you provided CBP at the time of enrollment or what is in your online GOES account, which you may access at

It is important to keep in mind that even if you are eligible for TSA Precheck® as a member of a CBP trusted traveler program, TSA Precheck® does not guarantee expedited screening.  TSA will always incorporate random and unpredictable security measures throughout the airport.  For more information, including participating airports, airlines, and security lanes please visit

Want more info on the value of TSA Precheck®? Check out this helpful guide.

Travel Destinations

Cape Cod & the Islands

Cape Cod was where it all started for Cape Air, and we still have our roots planted in Hyannis with our corporate headquarters. We're proud to serve the beautiful Cape & Islands year-round.


Our wings cover the best of the Northeast, with daily, year-round flights from our hub in Boston to VT, NH, ME and NY.


We fly Chicago - O'Hare to Manistee, Michigan.

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If time is money, save both. Our fast flights across Eastern Montana from our hub in Billings will get you to your destination in a fraction of the time it takes to drive. Later Lonesome Road!


With up to 100 flights a day in Puerto Rico, the USVI, West Indies, and the BVI, you have the flexibility to fly when you want to, and easily connect with major carriers.


Our "first flight of the day" is always from our hub in Guam. Operating as United Express, we serve the islands of Guam, Rota and Saipan. To book Micronesia flights, visit

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